Friday, October 11, 2013


Resistance might be a bad word in consciousness circles, but I think it's a great reminder.

When we feel resistance, tension, frustration, un-easiness, etc. our energy collapses and we pick up more circumstances that are attracted to those feelings. 

Remember our attention is what we get in our life. Attention is manifestation.

Let's remember that resistance is a beautiful reminder that we need to "shift" our attention to something more welcoming then we will see our lives change. 

When we get all down on ourselves, we need to find a way to jump off that rollercoaster or our energy will be sucked into that resistance life track. You know what's that like. Everyone does.

One way is to list 10 things you are grateful for. Ponder those ten things and watch your energy shift.

It's the little things in life that we place our attention on that brings us more or less resistance. 

Think about that.

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