Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Attention vs Intention

What are you thinking about right now? That is where your attention is. In fact, all of the circumstances, people and things in your life right now is based on your attention.

That's it. Attention is energy. Wherever we place our attention, we get those results.

Intention is placing an order with the universe, God, Source. (whomever) for what we desire. 

"I intend to be skinny and tone"
"I intend to be wealthy"
"I intend to be married to a wonderful person"

Here's where we mess up. 

Let's say I'm overweight. I make my intention on being skinny and tone, but a minute or two later I go to the closet and put on my jeans and they are tighter and the button won't snap. I begin to feel depressed.  My attitude just went SOUTH! My Attention now is on those extra pounds I put on and that I'm too heavy to fit in my jeans. I feel fatter  and it seems getting skinnier is a pipe dream now.  My attention is now shifting to a negative frame of mind and the universe will only give me more of the same. (more overweight vibrational energy)

The key is being able to hold that intention (energy of desire) while fitting into those jeans. So what could be done or said if we play that scenario again?

Instead of feeling "fat" because the button won't snap or the jeans feel tighter. Say and think to yourself something like this.

"This is awesome news. My jeans are not aligning with my body! I'm thankful that those wonderful new designer jeans are on the way to my door. I can't wait to put them on. My body will look SOOOO good in them".

Do you see how you can shift your energy? It's that simple. Focusing on what's in front of us will only bring about the same things! You gotta believe before you see! Keep the energy focused on what you intend not on what's in front of your eyeballs!

Think about that. 

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